Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page — a trove of insights to help illuminate the path to empowerment with Mindful Mentors Coaching! Explore these FAQs to learn about our unique coaching approach, from booking procedures to the benefits of personalized support and guidance
Therapy vs Coaching
It's a classic question:
What is the difference between therapy and coaching?
The distinctions between therapist and coach may seem subtle, but they hold immense significance in shaping a personal growth journey.
Life is full of twists and turns, and an appropriate system of support can make all the difference in navigating challenging moments.
Therapists are skilled, trained mental health clinicians focused on treating mental conditions stemming from past experiences; they do this through the process of psychotherapy.
In psychotherapy, the therapist aids in guiding Clients through diagnosis and treatment planning, replacing challenging cycles of maladaptive behaviors with healthier coping mechanisms, healing core inner wounds, and much more.
With specialized credentials and countless fascinating areas in which to carve out and claim a niche, therapists offer a depth of efficiency grounded in years of academic rigor and hands-on experience.
Coaches are certified professionals who excel at providing in-the-now, actionable guidance, resources, and solution-based approaches to aid in the alleviation and reclaiming of maladaptive behaviors as a result of present feelings.
Coaching stays rooted within the realm of current events in an effort to foster personal and professional growth of the Client. This is done most commonly through creative collaboration, problem-solving, and visioning. Coaching can be of short-term or long-term benefit.
Coaches may specialize in a variety of applicable and unique areas of expertise, strengths, and skillsets, as well as offer such services online — enabling Self-work with low risk of triggers in a convenient virtual space.
What makes a Client at Mindful Mentors Coaching?
Coaching services can be useful for:
a persistent "in-the-now" problem in need of addressing
a focus on clear, actionable goal setting for tangible results
elevation of dating app literacy — online or in person
acceleration planning in academia, career, or professional life
exploration of identity, affectionality, or sexuality
communication challenges / improving non-violent communication skills
STI education + coaching guidance re: having informed conversations with others comfortably
understanding attachment theory — individually or relationally
safe environment for LGBTQIAP+, neurodivergent, disabled, + other marginalized or non-conforming groups
a coaching experience that provides validation of Self
curiosity to understand other attachment arrangement styles, such as polyamory or open marriage
safe support / community
social anxiety or comfortability on a digital platform
informed allyship and support for gender transition / co-transition
curiosity to see how a skilled Coach may help you
Is Individual / Relational Client Enrollment Required to Participate in a Support Group?
Mindful Mentors Coaching offers weekly Support Groups at low cost on a variety of topics. These 90-minute virtual gatherings are a great way to connect, as well as offer / receive meaningful social support — an essential tool for anyone.
Clients DO NOT need to be enrolled in Individual or Relational coaching to participate in weekly Support Groups at Mindful Mentors Coaching. However, since Support Groups can sometimes be vulnerable, intimate space, it is highly recommended that Clienst have a relationship with a trusted Therapist or Coach to aid the after-processing of group content.
Co-Transition Support - Groups A & B
Coach: Jasey
Intro to Poly Group
Coach: Jasey
Neurodiversity Support Group
Coach: Jeremy
Advanced Poly Group
Coach: Jasey
Support Groups meet weekly. Cohorts are limited to minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 participants per group. Each cohort "refreshes" after 60 days (2 months). Waitlists are available for Support Groups currently in session or new Groups coming soon.